When I first started this brand, in the fall of 2012, I had no idea it would change my life the way it did. I started it because "I wanted to make beautiful, clean-cut clothes" after more than a decade of working in the corporate field and one year of dabbling in photography. I wanted to start my own brand because I felt I had something to say. I knew nothing about the industry, the processes, the suppliers, the production, the fabrics.... Nothing! But I wanted to do it so much. And I did it. It was a long and sometimes really hard road ( and I will tell this story someday), but, fast forward, we are here today, starting it all over again.
I always had an artistic eye (and hand), but, as I was constantly told (by parents, teachers, friends, co-workers... let's call them "my tribe") that art was just a hobby and that I didn't have what it takes to be an artist, I had to convince myself to let out what I was keeping inside for so long. My desire to create was so strong, that it overcame the words of the tribe and here I am, showing you my art. Well, a part of it, but there is more to come.
And so, here we are today, at the point where I decided to express myself further and extend this brand, from "beautiful & clean-cut garments" to a more complex lifestyle brand, featuring, of course the wonderful Aer Wear clothing, but also artwork, accessories and everything I can think of on the way.
This brand is exactly like me: always out to discover new ways to create & express art, because Art makes la vita bella. And that's why I'm here, to make la vita bella for people around me, both virtually and in real life.
Welcome (back) and let's have a wonderful journey together.

Picture from the first ever Aer Wear shooting, back in 2012.